qualitative discovery

When our clients are faced with a challenge, we make sure they’re asking the right questions and solving the right problems. We’ll work with you to reveal new opportunities, define positioning, and apply the tools needed to gain leadership alignment.
We conduct in-depth 1:1 interviews with key decision-makers and team members to reveal perceptions, behaviors and beliefs pertaining to your business challenge. Our objective, outside-in perspective offers insights that are honest, open and transparent.
Kickstart your strategic journey without reinventing the wheel or duplicating efforts. Together, we’ll review what you already know, what you need to know, and gain alignment on how to move forward with positive momentum.
We bring our deep curiosity and expertise to uncover consumer needs and identify new business opportunities. Based on your research objectives, we’ll tap into a variety of approaches such as 1:1 interviews, focus groups, ethnography and online platforms.
We’ll help you define your brand values and characteristics, as well as brand strengths, gaps, messaging, imagery and tone. Together, we’ll craft compelling positioning concepts that convey your true brand essence and shape future innovation efforts.
Data informs, but insights inspire! Our collaborative workshops leverage the power of your multi-disciplinary team to translate observations into insights, resulting in opportunity platforms that will grow your business.